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Learning Piano on DVD

Piano lessons are a good way to pass spare time. A piano is an enjoyable musical instrument to try to learn - anyone can sit down to play the piano and pick at the keys to learn notes. Most people though may not have the spare time to give to tutoring sessions and piano lessons on a regular basis, so they have to learn piano at their own pace. Alternatively they might not be financially secure enough to spare money for a teacher. It’s possible in this case to learn to play the piano via books or DVD instruction.

When you look for a piano playing instruction DVD, there are a lot of different methods of instruction, but some things can’t easily be simulated because of the lack of an instructor being physically present to watch you. Still, it’s possible to learn piano via DVD, because sections can be watched and rewatched as many times as needed to. The best piano DVDs will offer several different angles of viewing the instructor playing. One DVD I’ve used as reference shows the actual playing on the bottom part of the screen, and the top shows the piano keyboard from a birds-eye view to easily be able to see what keys are being pressed. This is a good aid in learning tonal memory and the ocations of notes on the piano keyboard. The DVD also showed the actual names of the notes and chords that were played in order to help commit the chord positions to long-term memory.

Also, the best piano playing DVDs will offer a short introduction section that outlines how the course is to play out with an outline of the material that will be covered, just like an actual teacher would do. DVD piano courses ideally should also have a workbook to practice songs on your own, and a play-along CD to play the different songs with their backing instruments. It’s like a form of karaoke for piano players. Piano DVDs are good teaching tools, but they do need other methods for the full benefit to be realized. Most DVD programmes will have a workbook and CD to use as aids. The DVDs often cover many different styles, such as rock, jazz piano, blues piano and gospel, or they specialize in one. They also teach you the basics of general piano playing methods like the key layout, the notes, and different piano chords. After you learn the basic components of music, different and more advanced techniques such as the diminishing of chords, swing rhythm, and the use of the foot pedals can be taught. The three foot pedals won’t come into play at first, but they act as means of sustaining notes for longer on the piano.

Piano instructional DVDs are excellent teaching tools to show you how to learn the piano on your own time, as well as having an instructor onscreen that won’t get aggravated if you take a bit longer to understand or complete an exercise than would be expected. Also, you only have to pay one single price for the DVD, as compared to paying a fee for piano lessons every week or however often. Practice can happen whenever is convenient for as long as is allowed or desired. Piano instructional DVDs are sometimes more expensive than you’d expect with the materials that come with them, but they’re easily worth the investment.